As the official website of the Swiss Confederation states, the watchmaker and builder Henri Grandjean was twice elected to the National Council in addition to his Neuchatel political involvement in Le Locle..
Albert J. de Buttes-LaCôte, JSH Magazine &’s columnist
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Originating from La Sagne and Les Ponts-de-Martel, the watchmaker Henri Grandjean, born on 14 December 1803 and having lived until 21 March 1879, was twice elected to the National Council. The first period was from the 7th of December 1857 to the 2nd of December 1860. The second was from the 3rd of December 1866 to the 5th of December 1869.
Linguistic equity?
While the parliament’s website is available in all four national languages as well as in English, the biographical information, i.e. a link to his paragraph in the “Historical Dictionary of Switzerland“, appears only in German. Such useful biographical details do not seem to exist in Romansh or English, whereas they are available in French, German and Italian.
Let us note, by quoting Wikipedia, that the Swiss Federal Assembly is the legislative power and the supreme authority of Switzerland (subject to the rights of the people and the cantons).
Links to Henri Grandjean’s official records
In French > L’Assemblée fédérale — Le Parlement suisse
In German > Die Bundesversammlung — Das Schweizer Parlament
In Italian > L’Assemblea federale — Il Parlamento svizzero
In Romansh > L’Assamblea federala — Il Parlament svizzer
In English > The Federal Assembly — The Swiss Parliament
Download Henri Grandjean’s official records
| In French |
| In English |
| In German |
| In Romansh |
| In Italian |