Le Brassus, 6 September 2023 – The Swiss Haute Horlogerie manufacturer Audemars Piguet is pleased to announce that the construction of its new industrial building in Meyrin has started.
Une sélection de Shaniah Asha Gibson / @TRP, Public Relations Cabinet
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Located in the street next to the current factory, this project combines architectural heritage and technical innovation: the restoration of a historic building on the new site will be joined by the construction of a new building. The cornerstone was laid this afternoon in the presence of one member of the Conseil d’Etat, Meyrin municipality representatives, architects from FdMP Architectes, Audemars Piguet’s Board of Directors and François-Henry Bennahmias, Chief Executive Officer of Audemars Piguet. The new manufacture, scheduled to be finished by the end of 2025, will offer more than 9,400 m2 of industrial space.
A blend of tradition and innovation
The new Audemars Piguet Manufacture site is located in Meyrin-Satigny, on the former site of the Uhlmann Eyraud pharmaceutical company built between 1963 and 1965. This U-shaped building, noted for its historic importance and acquired by Audemars Piguet in 2023, has been refurbished in recent months to accommodate the Manufacture’s activities. The project emphasises the optimisation of existing spaces and includes the construction of a new central building with three floors of production space, as well as the construction of two wings on the upper ground floor. The new manufacturing site will house Audemars Piguet’s case and bracelet production, as well as its New Technology Centre.
Endowed with a strong identity, this site was designed by Swiss firm FdMP Architectes with a view to bring together architectural heritage and technical innovation. The character of the original building has been preserved, as has its U-shaped design arranged around a courtyard garden that links the various spaces. The metal structure and plasterwork façades of the original building will form a harmonious contrast with the transparent volume of the new building, made of dynamic glass.
Well-being and Eco-Responsibilty
Designed to take advantage of natural light and encourage interactions between employees, the new Manufacture will allow Audemars Piguet to offer a pleasant working environment and ensure the well-being and comfort of its teams. All production areas will be floor-to-ceiling glass and organised around the courtyard garden, which seamlessly extends into the new building’s piazza. Employees will have access to the courtyard via the piazza and will also enjoy two large terraces on the first floor. These outdoor spaces will be in addition to the main internal meeting areas that have been built into the design to encourage social interactions and communication between employees from different departments.
The new manufacturing site will keep with Audemars Piguet’s standards in terms of ecoresponsibility. The historic building, whose exterior will be renovated, insulated or partially redone, will be certified Minergie® Renovation, while the new building will be awarded the Minergie®-P Eco label.
The roof sheds on the historic part of the building will provide a constant supply of natural light, as will the use of dynamic glass on the façades. Solar panels will also be installed on the roof slopes. To optimise the layout of the exterior spaces, the project will also include the planting of all kinds of vegetation in the surrounding areas -such as in the courtyard, in the entrance and on flat roofs.
To ensure easy access for employees, the site is located close to public transport and will offer a 56-space underground car park.
The renovation and construction work was officially started this afternoon and is scheduled to last until the end of 2025. When fully functional, the new Audemars Piguet Manufacture in Meyrin will be able to accommodate 350 employees.
Bureau d’architecture basé à Genève, FdMP architectes se différencie par son approche du contexte, de la narration, du local et du vivre ensemble. Le bureau a été fondé en 2014 par Oscar Frisk, François de Marignac et Christophe Pidoux après avoir passés 14 ans associés à la tête d’un bureau international, période durant laquelle ils ont notamment réalisé la halle logistique du CICR, le Centre William Rappard de l’OMC, la rénovation énergétique du Palais des Nations, le Centre des Congrès Palexpo ainsi que de nombreux logements devenus des références.
Depuis 2021, le bureau compte également Emeline Debackere-Gutierrez parmi ses associés, ainsi que Jill Duchosal-Pichon et Maxime Lécuyer comme partenaires, pour former aujourd’hui une équipe de plus de 50 collaborateurs.
Fortement implanté dans le contexte local, FdMP architectes est régulièrement invité et primé lors de concours prestigieux, notamment Le Cinéma Le Plaza, Le Campus Pictet, La Goutte Saint Mathieu ou encore le nouveau siège de la Banque Raiffeisen à Lancy Pont-Rouge.
Plusieurs projets et réalisations tels qu’une manufacture horlogère à Plan-les-Ouates, une rénovation d’un bâtiment classé au Centre-Ville, une surélévation de plus de 100 logements, une réhabilitation d’un immeuble de bureaux en appartements ou encore des logements intergénérationnels 5 innovants, permettent à FdMP d’aborder des thématiques d’actualité qui lui sont chères telles que le développement durable et le réemploi tout en démontrant sa capacité à gérer des projets complexes et d’envergure.
Avec des conceptions et réalisations d’une grande diversité de programmes et d’échelles, le bureau aime offrir un éventail de savoir-faire et possède l’expérience nécessaire pour concevoir des développements architecturaux ambitieux en termes d’organisation comme de technicité.
FdMP architectes privilégie un processus de travail autour de valeurs centrées sur le partage, le plaisir, le professionnalisme et les relations humaines avec, comme objectif constant, la recherche de qualité et d’innovation. https://fdmp.ch/fr