In Neuchâtel, overlooking the lake and a large garden filled with almond trees, Rémi Maillat, the genius watchmaker who has been able to mathematically capture the passing time and who is delightfully carried away by the world’s sunrises and sunsets, is working at his workbench on one of those manual operations for which he has the secret. Polishing. And so that the polish is the most noble effect, it is necessary to rub the surface patiently with a precious and inherently noble material, wood. Here, in addition to the secret species which make that each craftsman has its recipe, it is of this almond tree which occupies its landscape that are resulting from these some branches. Art… of which the most precious crayons are made.
Official Website Krayon
Echos des Fabriques published in the JSH Magazine, 1st issue of 2021
Columns by Emmanuel Alder, Marie Demille and JAG