Ultra-technical expertise sometimes generates poetry… To say that a blue is desaturated, smoky, klein, seram, dove or turquin, is to treat words as if they were raw ore crossed by emotions and polished by real life.
Joël Grammson, JSH & Swiss Watch Passport (by JSH) Columnist
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Also “this blue of your eyes”, the blues in your heart that turn to slate and cold elegance… So very romantic!
And that ultra-violet from the purple mania that flips your moods, amethyst, indigo, lavender and violine, the better to lose you to pigeon, parma or eggplant, or even lilac. Tired of these frenzied moves, you can rest your eyes on pop pink and pink bubblegum or barbapapa. There, instead of the appropriate acidic tone, you’ll prefer a delicious, powdery, sugared almond, fuchsia, candy or salmon pink. “So very romantic!

Suddenly, amid a raspberry pink backdrop, the weather turns to the burning of spices and scents: everything has the fragrance of cinnamon, ochre or rust. In contrast to brick, terracotta, fawn or purple… The story goes on, endlessly, blending the senses of sight, touch and smell.
So we’re hoping in verdigris, greenery, olive, foam or sage. Or even khaki or fir green.
It’s all by Positive Coating, and makes you dream of golden moods, bronze, oatmeal sand or ginger. So we’re hoping for verdigris, greenery, olive, moss or sage. Or even khaki or fir green…