SSC, almost 100 years anniversary: registration for the Chronometry Congress

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

«Between dreams, realities and needs, how does the watch industry adjust its amplitude without losing its references?» This is the International Congress of Chronometry program to be held from September 28-29, 2022 at the SwissTech Convention Center (EPFL premises).

Joël A. Grandjean, JSH Magazine & Editor in Chief & Publisher
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{Article appeared in the Swiss watchmaking journal JSH, June 2022} Every three years, the renowned International Day of Chronometry becomes a two-day Congress. Also every three years, the Board that leads the SSC, the Swiss Chronometry Society, rotates to another region.

Become a member, it’s obvious

Established in 1924, this venerable institution has never been so dynamic. It is perhaps the only knowledge and networking platform that still manages to break the boundaries of the ambient individualism that hinders the common achievements, the sharings that build the whole.

With its almost 1500 members, whose subscriptions and event registrations are often encouraged by employers, the SSC plays a unifying and useful role. As much in the world of innovation as in the world of education. For if there is one stage where brands, even those deemed to be hermetic, reveal their advances and relax their guard in terms of competitive autism, it is indeed the stage of the SwissTech Convention Center. For several years now, this is where more than 800 participants in the International Days or the International Chronometry Congress have found refuge. They come away edified, regenerated. All the critical departments are there: R&D, management, production, standards, testing… They exchange specialized information, manufacturing secrets, ingenious tricks, demonstrations of useful progress for the industry.

Looking to the future, with more and more new generations joining in, in awe, to such a concentration of cross-disciplinary knowledge, the SSC also oversees the latest tuning competition. Above all, and every member can have access to it under preferential conditions, it is distilling inestimable treasures through its historical data base.

To register to the International Congress of Chronometry using this QR Code
Michel Fazzone, SSC president, is elected from 2021-2023, he is also the Jaeger-LeCoultre Manufacture’s Director in the Vallée de Joux. He has appointed his own office, scientific commission, treasurer and secretary from a volunteer combier forces. In 2024, he will nominate the president who will be responsible for celebrating the centenary of the Society

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