First floor. Locate at 100 place du 11 novembre in Cluses, in Haute-Savoie, a daily shuttles from Geneva. At 45 minutes from Annecy and at 30 minutes from Chamonix, free parkings around.
Charlotte Ollivier / JSH 1876 News’s journalist
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At first, a watch factory then a museum… A high satisfaction rate, Florence Jiguiet-Poirier is proud of her team.
A technical establishment

A Qualité Tourisme label is renewed after obtaining one first on 2018 that values that museum where knowledges are required beforehand. In 1848, it was a technical education establishment that trained watchmakers and mechanics. Students and professors’ works are exposed to make them known and valued. 1900, a participation in the Universal Exhibition. In 1960, the institution become a state technical high school. Nowadays, municipal archives on the ground floor and a museum upstairs. In 1998, a room paying homage to the region’s industrial history is inaugurated. Since 2015, the place is managed by the community of communes Cluses Arve and mountains.
Here, in Haute-Savoie, the co-contractors of the Geneva watchmakers work. The little pieces are made and the rest is provided by Switzerland, notably in Neuchâtel where the whole is assembled, mounted, decorated and put on sale.
With multiple mediations

Am ambition to be accessible to all and to be for all audiences is important. For more than ten years, tours, activities, workshops and other mediations are organized. Even the youngest, the babies, have an access to culture accompagnied with their parents who are encouraged to make them like history. This idea tends to inspire Saint Nicolas d’Aliermont museum.
The establishment participates to la Fête de la Science, les Journées du Patrimoine, la Nuit des Musées (this year about games, last year a show made with the music and dance school). Opened to any initiative, they would like to be known and to interest any person or any organization willing to discover the region and its journey. In spring, tourisme et handicap offer sensory tours.
In connection with the online watchmaking encyclopedia, Chronospedia
Summer 2024 Exhibition
Events are organised every summer. This summer, an exhibition on the watchmaking school in wartime under the German occupation. From 1939 to 1945, students and German soldiers lived side by side, and daily life was turbulent during these troubled times.