In Lyon, François Simon-Fustier, one of the fondators, has trained 16 learners and has received about 200 interns. His ambition: saving heritage and preserving history.
Charlotte Ollivier / JSH 1876 News’s journalist
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First, restoration of clocks and buildings. He realized how bad is the documentation and how late it is. The creation of watches is mainly taught. He decides to take control of the situation.
The well done will
Since 2012, he uses 3D modelling to change the way to work on repair. If one piece is missing, the 3D is here to make it numerically working. The augmented reality appears as a support. In archeology, scanning is enough, the object doesn’t move. Concerning watchmaking, the object is moving.A library of timepieces is created, each of them is classified according to their mechanism. In case of need, one is picked but what a waste of time and money! Count 25000 euros for your clock modelling. An alternative way had to be found.
Konstantin Protassov, physics teacher at UGA (Grenoble Alpes University) decided to come to give a hand. They elaborate together that great project, Chronospedia. Two years later, Dassault Systèmes offers them a partnership contract and the provision of the 3D platform experience to make collaborating establishment of vocational education on Solidwork.

That way, the economic investment is freed. The access is free and anyone can enjoy it.
Very useful, this software allows a new approach: reverse design and not only design anymore
A promising evolution
Moving Mechanism Database doesn’t exist. Automobile manufactures has got one. The Ministry of Culture proposes calls for projects that he obviously participates. Now there are no obstacles anymore, he has just the methodology writing left. All has started with MIH’s help, the watchmaking international museum, a swiss partner. He focuses on Neuchâteloise clocks. Chronospedia, free from commercial and profit purposes, tends to be more influential and known across the world. A real success.
In the future
The artistic points are still missing and that part will start with a clock including a music box. The UK became a valuable ally in their procedures as much as a travel in the US to the National Watch Association, a trip to Germany… An archive of watch failures is also on board. In 2024-2025, a financial structure, a call for patronage is on mind.