June 24th to 26th 2024, the atomic Time in Neuchâtel

Temps de lecture : < 1 minute

This hasn’t happened for 10 years! All the major players in atomic time measurement will be back in the city on the lake: more than 400 international luminaries.

By Albert-J. de Buttes-LaCôte / TàG Press +41 (News Agency)
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Neuchâtel, ville lacustre, berceau de la précision avec la création de l'Observatoire de Neuchâtel par l'horloger et homme politique loclois Henri Grandjean. Siège aujourd'hui du Temps Fréquence Suisse

The European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) will be putting the Uni, the Aula des Jeunes Rives and even the Palais du Peyrou in tune with the world of time and frequency. The EFTF returns to Neuchâtel with a series of key scientific lectures on Time and Frequency. It will cover the latest developments in related technologies.

The Congress will bring together researchers and technologists from universities, research centres, national metrology institutes, manufacturers, standards agencies and defence timing authorities. Advances and developments in systems and components will be discussed.

L'hôtel DuPeyrou, une maison de maître située à Neuchâtel, en Suisse, est réalisée entre 1765 et 1771 pour Pierre-Alexandre DuPeyrou, d'après les plans de l'architecte bernois Erasme Ritter. Un bâtiment fleuron inscrit à l'Inventaire suisse des biens culturels d'importance nationale et régionale

Thanks to the partnerships between the FSRM, the CSEM, Safran and Oscilloquartz, this international conference will feature in its halls and common areas brands that are symbols of excellence in mechanical watchmaking, deeply rooted in the traditional heritage of time.

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